It's been three years. Really?! Three years ago at this time we were painitng and trying to put together a game plan for a little family owned business. It was exhausting to say the least. There are many unknowns in this business. We learned something new just about everyday.
We still do. We also try very hard to advance in other areas on a regular basis. We have hosted events, some did really well, some went very bad. We've offered different services that we though people might like, and some ideas took off and some didn't go anywhere.
What we have learned is that this business is a living, breathing thing. It has a life of it's own and it's owners. We work tirelessly to try and make your experience and that of your dogs a great one EVERY time. Some things may work, others may not. Sometimes we have to do trial and error. It's the only way we will know if something works or or not.
One thing has not changed. The main reason we opened BrightDogs was to take care of dogs. All ages, sizes, shapes, breeds, and temperments. We promised not to define a dog the first time we meet it, but take a look beyond what's visible to the naked eye. We promised to take care of your dog like it was our own. We promised to make your dogs expeirence a great one. We still do.
We love to be a part of your dogs life. We are honored to play a role in their care. We appreciate you and your trust in us. We believe in #Yourslikeours. Always.
Now, three years ago we started this little business, we met many of your right then. We have cared for your dogs for 3 years of their lives. Last year you voted us "One of the Best Pet Services in Will County". This year WE ARE THE BEST! Not one of the best...But the BEST Pet Sevice in Will County! So thanks. Our dreams come true every day, with every wet nose and sloppy kiss from your furry friend, we are BrightDogs! Thank you!
#Yourslikeours from the Best Pet Service In Will County!