Thank you for being a friend
I know my last post was about loss, but with the passing of Betty White and her love for animals, it brought it back up again. I recently saw a post that said "I wish the Rainbow Bridge had visiting hours". But to be honest I am glad it doesn't. I then saw another post that said "Betty will be heading to the Rainbow Bridge to say hello to some of her old friends". Which got me thinking...
Imagine the kooky thought of a rainbow bridge in the clouds and all of the sudden Betty White shows up and all the animals seem to know her and they run around her nipping and barking at her in excitement. I assume that all of us (we are included in this case) who have had our hand at rescue were able to see all of the 'old friends' that we helped along the way. The wayward cats we fed, the lost dogs we found and (hopefully) reunited with their families, the beloved old sweethearts who had a smell about them that you ignored and still loved (Barnes), and the ones who left us too soon. Imagine all of the fluffy faces looking at you and remembering your kindness.
I often reflect on the dogs who have come through BrightDogs - the baby ones who have been coming since we opened are at least 6 now. We have lost some amazing dogs too soon and have seen some into their twilight years. We are fortunate enough to be like that awesome friends house where your pet can be goofy and silly and not get in too much trouble with their friends. We are like extended family to some and to a few we were their only family.
It's been a rough few years for many people and our pets have really brought us through a lot. They are our sounding board, our childrens' entertainment, our peace of mind when we feel we are losing our own. They are the best friends they have always been, they haven't changed their role - but we maybe realize how important they have been. So if you have anything extra to give, consider donating in your past pets name or In Betty White's name today. You can also volunteer at a local shelter or rescue. Or you can give an extra treat to that best friend sitting at your feet.
And maybe hum a song...."If you threw a party, and invited everyone you knew..." I would be in the corner petting the dog...
"Thank you for being a friend..."
Check out the #BettyWhiteChallenge for the donations given! It is remarkable. At the time I wrote this over $550,000 was donated across the country in Betty White's name.
~Peace and Love, Diana
