TEXT US at: 815-342-0956
Good Things to Know - Boarding Basics
Your dog will romp and play with other dogs for many hours each day they stay with us. This is a lot of activity! Even though they will nap during the day and get about eight hours of sleep, they will be tired. Please allow them to rest and avoid activities such as going to the dog park or for long walks and jogs for a few days. They should also take a day (or two, depending on length of stay) off from day care!
We ask that your dog join us before 3pm the first day of boarding in order for them to have plenty of time to play and exercise before dinner and bedtime.
If this is your dogs first time visiting us and it will be for boarding, consider bringing them in for a day (or half day) of daycare beforehand. They'll have a chance to become comfortable with our staff and the facility before their longer stay.
Water is always available during their boarding stay, but it is likely they will be thirsty after pick-up. We recommend waiting 30 minutes before giving them water. This will allow them to calm down after the excitement of seeing you. Monitor their water intake for the next few hours, as dogs that drink too much, too quickly may bring it back up via vomiting.
For your dogs upcoming boarding visit, we kindly request you bring their food in ziploc bags no larger than 1 gallon, any medicine required, their collar and leash. You are welcome to bring a toy or a blanket from home. Please note that the blanket may not make the entire stay, may not be returned washed or may need to be picked up at a different time if it is being laundered.
Check out is 11am on your last day (Monday - Friday). You are welcome to leave your dog for day, a half day of day care will be added on until 3pm. After 3pm a full day of day care will be added on. Weekend Drop off/pick up is from 8:30am-10am and 5-6pm and must be scheduled at the time of your reservation.
Please understand that we are a small facility and each reservation is important to us. If for any reason you need to cancel your stay with us, please contact us as soon as possible. We may have a wait list and would like to offer our services to someone else if possible. If you cancel less than 24 hours before your stay, we may ask for a deposit for future reservations and charges may be assessed. All boarding stays are prepaid and a refund cannot be given for early pick up.
Finally, like us on Facebook! We try really hard to post pictures of the boarding pups on a regular basis. Also, messenger is great way for us to communicate while your dog is staying with us! So relax, and let us make #Yourslikeours.